Hasbro has gotten all political by removing "Israel" as Jerusalem's country! What the fuck is that all about?
Here's my letter. Email wcharness@hasbro.com
Mr. Charness,
I am outraged at your cowardly behavior by removing Israel as the country name from the Jerusalem from the Monopoly World Vote web site.
It was pathetic enough to only focus on the Christian aspect of Jerusalem in the description of the City considering its been free under Jewish control since 1967, but to try and eliminate the association of Jerusalem from the sovereign nation for which Jerusalem stands as the capital is the most puerile behavior I can imagine. Jerusalem was considered the center of the universe for hundreds of years by all the major religions. Just because the Hasbro's World Monopoly board doesn't say Israel doesn't change reality.
If you choose to play politics with your product line, consider that it isn't only Jews who are going to be interested in seeing Jerusalem, Israel on your monopoly board, but millions of Christian Zionists as well. Since a wholesome family board game is what you're looking to sell, you're talking about alienating your target market. That's stupid. Consider as well that Jerusalem went from #21 to #4 within a week. There are obviously THOUSANDS of people who have a vested interest in seeing Jerusalem place well on the board. Think about how many of them won't be purchasing your product, and will probably boycott your other products.
After the half-point dip your stock has taken since yesterday, presumably when you pulled this stunt, I would think you would want to avoid compounding your company's foolish decision. I recommend that you reconsider your company's churlish and immature decision and return Israel to Jerusalem's profile immediately.
A potential customer
Now they removed all of the country names from all of the cities.
It's just sad.
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