23 April, 2010

Dershowitz: J Street Can No Longer Claim to Be Pro Israel

Jeremy Ben-Ami, has joined the off key chorus of those who falsely claim that Israel, by refusing to make peace with the Palestinians, is placing the lives of American soldiers at risk.
Well, we all knew this argument was bullshit in the first place. Whether it was a slip of Praetus' tongue, or a calculated sound bite used to test the efficacy of the argument is no longer relevant; the damage is done.

Professor Dershowitz's elucidation on the subject, however, is well worth the read:
Finally, the argument is totally false as a matter of fact. At the same time that Israel was seeking to make peace in 2000-2001 by creating a Palestinian state on the West Bank and in Gaza with a capital in East Jerusalem, Al Qaeda was planning the 9/11 attack. So Israel's "good" actions did nothing to make America safe from Islamic terrorism. On the other hand, when Israel took tough action against Gaza last year in Operation Cast Lead, Israel's "bad" actions did not increase American casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan. In fact, there is absolutely no relationship between Israel's actions and the extent of American casualties. It is a totally phony argument based on equal parts of surmise and bigotry.
Source: The Huffington Post (I know! What's going on here??!)

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