19 April, 2010

To Uri Tuval: Know When to Shut Up

“I don’t want to live in the country of Captain Eliraz Peretz or his mother. My consolations to the family…a family of Jihadist Fascists, and don’t dare let anyone say he was killed for my sake.”

News flash, Mr. Tuval, we don't want you here, either. You're real edgy with your "screw the Right" attitude, but the truth is you can grab a visa and go the fuck somewhere else, if they'll take you. Klein, Peretz and the other heroes of the IDF don't fight for you, they fight in spite of you. And why would you want to live in a country where people would fight and die for your sake?

The truth is your father, your uncles, maybe even your grandfather, fought next to men who died for your sake, men who believed so much in the Jewish State they paid the ultimate price so that you could live here in Israel, safe in your TA condo, spout your nonsense, disrespect the dead, and inflate your self-importance well beyond the limit of your insignificant, meaningless life. Get over yourself. The rest of us have.

Yes, I read your apology. Next time, remember that it is "better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."


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