13 July, 2010

Not Even a Phone Call...

Jewish eastern Jerusalem houses gain approval

July 12, 2010

JERUSALEM (JTA) -- A Jerusalem municipal committee approved the construction of 32 homes in a Jewish neighborhood of eastern Jerusalem.

The district planning and construction committee on Monday approved the construction for Pisgat Zeev a week after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met in Washington with President Obama, who is opposed to building in eastern Jerusalem.

So, without fanfare, screaming mobs, 45-minute tirades or rip-shit anger, Israel continues to assert its sovereign right to do whatever the hell it wants in its own capital, fuckyouverymuch.


1 comment:

Minnesota Mamaleh said...

wowza! i like (a in love) your writing style. straight forward and to the point, like a *true* sabra. takes one to know one! :)

found you through kehila!