30 April, 2010

Simon Wiesenthal's Top-10 Anti-Israel Lies

Lie No. 1: Israel was created by European guilt over the Nazi Holocaust. Why should Palestinians pay the price?

Lie No. 2:
Had Israel withdrawn to its June 1967 borders, peace would have come long ago.

Lie No. 3: Israel is the main stumbling block to achieving a two-state solution.

Lie No. 4: Nuclear Israel, not Iran, is the greatest threat to peace and stability.

Lie No. 5: Israel is an apartheid state deserving of international boycott, divestment and sanctions campaigns.

Lie No. 6: Plans to build 1,600 more homes in East Jerusalem prove Israel is "Judaizing" the Holy City.

Lie No. 7: Israeli policies endanger U.S. troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Lie No. 8: Israeli policies are the cause of worldwide anti-Semitism.

Lie No. 9: Israel, not Hamas, is responsible for the “humanitarian catastrophe” in Gaza. Goldstone was right when he charged that Israel was guilty of war crimes against civilians.

Lie No. 10: The only hope for peace is a single, binational state eliminating the Jewish State of Israel.

If you've ever heard any of these lies, download the brochure and learn the truth.

29 April, 2010

Smoke and Mirrors: Why Gates rolled out the red carpet for Ehud Barak

The Obama Administration (have you noticed no one calls it the "White House" anymore?) has welcomed The Other Barak for some photo ops and "understandings." This isn't damage control, because that would imply that something happened in the, you know, past. This is the New Improved Obama, now with Less Vitriol:
But another reason may be that the Obama administration seems to be making a concerted effort to put to rest in particular any impression that the top U.S. military brass was in any way questioning the value of the U.S.-Israeli military and strategic relationship.
Or maybe it's that Barak shares the ideals of Obama, namely socialism and an abhorrence of settlers.

Or maybe it's to further humiliate Netanyahu, by showering love and affection on his political rival.

Or maybe...
The White House is engaged in an aggressive public relations and outreach effort to the Hill and Jewish groups to assure them of its commitment to Israel's security and to explain its policy in support of the peace process. Meantime, both Clinton and Barak are scheduled to address the American Jewish Committee annual meeting in Washington on Thursday.
...it's because Obama's advisers have finally looked at the polls and said, "Oh, shit!"

Source: Politico

26 April, 2010

Telegraph: Barack Obama’s top ten insults against Israel

1. Obama’s humiliation of Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House

2. Engaging Iran when Tehran threatens a nuclear Holocaust against Israel

3. Drawing a parallel between Jewish suffering in the Holocaust with the current plight of the Palestinians

And that's just for starters. Nile Gardiner provides chapter and verse on how the American President has been consistently trashing Israel in his already too-long tenure.

Read it all, for it is good.

Source: Telegraph.co.uk

25 April, 2010

What Passes for Journalism at Al-Jazeera

Palestinian demonstrators have hurled stones at Jewish settlers rallying for the demolition of Arab houses in occupied East Jerusalem.

So the Arabs threw stones at a rally. Not at other stone throwers, not at armed soldiers. At peaceful demonstrators.

The clashes took place on Sunday as George Mitchell, the US special envoy to the Middle East, was visiting Israeli officials in Tel Aviv for talks on restarting the peace process between Palestinians and Israelis.

Trying desperately to link the march to the visit in the hopes of another round of Piss Off the White House. I'm pretty sure the White House got a heads-up, but hey, it was worth the try, right?

Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, reportedly tried but failed to ban the settlers' march.
See, this is my favorite line from this pseudo-article. It encapsulates the problems with the Arab mentality. In their mind, a leader should be strong enough to do what he wants to do. Not being able to ban a march is a sign of a weak leader. What they completely fail to realize is that free speech is a very prized and highly protected right in free countries. Netanyahu didn't try to ban the protest, he asked if it could wait. The law said no, and that it was illegal for the Prime Minister to try.

The video is just nonsense.

Source: Al Jazeera

Palestinians ask Obama to impose peace

Sure? What can it hurt? If there's peace, they get their state. If there's no peace, "Hey, it's not our fault! The US made us do it!"
Palestinian officials have said privately that they believe only strong U.S. intervention can break the impasse with Israel. Still, Abbas' blunt public appeal Saturday was unusual.
How about not refusing every offer put on the table?
The U.S. has tried in vain to restart Israeli-Palestinian negotiations that broke down in December 2008. The two sides remain far apart on the framework for such talks, and White House envoy George Mitchell returned to the region Friday to try to narrow the divide.
And likely has every expectation to leave empty-handed.
He [Abbas] said the Palestinians were being asked to "take a state with provisional borders on 40 or 50 percent, and after that we will see."
Now, I'm no math whiz, but 40% or 50% is more than 0%, right? Temporary recognized international borders is better than being locked in Gaza, right? Right?

What Netanyahu needs to do is to very publicly name the date, time and place, and on that date, time and in place, show up in front of the whole world, alone. Stage it as a huge spectacle so that the plebeians can see once and for all who is and who isn't interested in peace. And if they show up? Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

And the US has to sit this out. Keep working on that 10% unemployment rate..

Source: Daily Record

23 April, 2010

Mark His Words

In eight Kool-Aid-suffused, vapor-laden paragraphs, Haaretz writer Yoel Marcus excoriates Netanyahu, dredging up old ghosts and old grudges, ascribing Netanyahu's success to merely being in the right place at the right time, and rambles on about cigars and unpaid bills.

He neglects to mention that it was Netanyahu's policies as Finance Minister that allowed Israel to weather the worst economic crisis, or that Netanyahu even did more for the PA in his first term, namely the handing over of several areas to Arab control, including Chevron.

But the real kicker was in the last paragraph:
Bibi is deluding himself that Obama will not be reelected.
A throwdown if I ever heard one. I can't wait for 2012. Hell, I can't wait for 2010, when they'll have to physically pick up Congress and move the whole building to the right.

Yoel should read newspapers. Other than his own, I mean.

Source: Haaretz

Dershowitz: J Street Can No Longer Claim to Be Pro Israel

Jeremy Ben-Ami, has joined the off key chorus of those who falsely claim that Israel, by refusing to make peace with the Palestinians, is placing the lives of American soldiers at risk.
Well, we all knew this argument was bullshit in the first place. Whether it was a slip of Praetus' tongue, or a calculated sound bite used to test the efficacy of the argument is no longer relevant; the damage is done.

Professor Dershowitz's elucidation on the subject, however, is well worth the read:
Finally, the argument is totally false as a matter of fact. At the same time that Israel was seeking to make peace in 2000-2001 by creating a Palestinian state on the West Bank and in Gaza with a capital in East Jerusalem, Al Qaeda was planning the 9/11 attack. So Israel's "good" actions did nothing to make America safe from Islamic terrorism. On the other hand, when Israel took tough action against Gaza last year in Operation Cast Lead, Israel's "bad" actions did not increase American casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan. In fact, there is absolutely no relationship between Israel's actions and the extent of American casualties. It is a totally phony argument based on equal parts of surmise and bigotry.
Source: The Huffington Post (I know! What's going on here??!)

22 April, 2010

Something's Missing...

From the prepared remarks of Gen. James L. Jones at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy:

“It is time for all leaders in the region—Israeli, Palestinian, and Arab—to support efforts for peace. It is time for today’s leader to demonstrate the courage and leadership of Anwar Sadat, King Hussein, and Yitzhak Rabin.”

Hmm, I can't quite put my finger on it... I remember Rabin signed a peace agreement with Hussein, and Sadat signed with... oh, it's right on the tip of my tongue... I think Carter was there...

Can anyone help me out here?

Source: White House

Martin Indyk Threatens Up the Wrong Tree

That's the best that Martin Indyk can do? Veiled threats and ominous warnings?
The shift in America's Middle East interests means that Netanyahu must make a choice: Take on the president of the United States, or take on his right wing. If he continues to defer to those ministers in his cabinet who oppose peacemaking, the consequences for US-Israel relations could be dire.
I've lost count of the number of times Netanyahu has said publicly, out loud, into a microphone, "We want peace. Any time, any place, we'll sit and talk peace." The Arabs have yet to make an appointment. Netanyahu imposed a building freeze on a huge portion of his voter base, lets Barak send 50-man teams to bulldoze patios, yet the premise of Netanyahu's supposed recalcitrance and warmongering seems to be the only talking point Indyk can remember.

Source: Haaretz

21 April, 2010

Telegraph: Nick Clegg’s Israel-bashing is sickening

Whoa. First the Guardian's piece yesterday that was pro-Israel. Now the Telegraph follows suit. Enlightening.

While Nick Clegg has made it a personal mission to publicly whip the Israelis for defending their own country, he has remained remarkably silent in the media about Iranian backing for terrorist groups, Tehran’s calls to wipe Israel off the map, and the massive levels of hatred directed at Israel from within the United Nations, not least the UN’s Human Rights Council. I don’t recall any op-eds by Clegg warning against Iran’s nuclear ambitions, or calling for an end to the persecution of Israel by Islamist states. Nor has he written pieces in support of the democracy protestors in Iran, many of whom have been brutally beaten, raped, and in some cases murdered by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s regime.
Source: The Telegraph

20 April, 2010

New T-Shirt

In honor of Yom HaAtzmaut 5770, I've designed a new T-shirt for my loyal readers. Wear it with pride!

Order Now!
Israel Defense Forces
Fucking The Arabs' Shit Up Since 1948

A Fool Must Now and Then Be Right, By Chance

Once a year the Guardian will get it right regarding Israel. Yom HaAtzmaut is probably the best day for that, or it's the one act of penance that permits them their abuses the rest of the year. Whichever it is, Ron Prosor delivers all the missing gaps in the Guardian's perennial revisionist history of Israel. At least now I can refer back to their own published article when their creative writing goes conflict with, you know, reality.
Jews have been indigenous to Israel for 3,000 years. Before 1948 the only independent sovereign state there had been the ancient Jewish kingdoms. Centuries of foreign imperial occupation followed, by Romans, the Muslim conquest, Crusaders, the Ottoman empire and the British mandate. It is fitting that as the colonial era drew to a close, Israel's original inhabitants restored their independence.
Needless to say, the trolls in the comments are flourishing like strep in a petri dish. With about as much intelligence.

Happy Birthday, Eretz Yisrael. From your friends at the Guardian.

Source: The Guardian

19 April, 2010

To Uri Tuval: Know When to Shut Up

“I don’t want to live in the country of Captain Eliraz Peretz or his mother. My consolations to the family…a family of Jihadist Fascists, and don’t dare let anyone say he was killed for my sake.”

News flash, Mr. Tuval, we don't want you here, either. You're real edgy with your "screw the Right" attitude, but the truth is you can grab a visa and go the fuck somewhere else, if they'll take you. Klein, Peretz and the other heroes of the IDF don't fight for you, they fight in spite of you. And why would you want to live in a country where people would fight and die for your sake?

The truth is your father, your uncles, maybe even your grandfather, fought next to men who died for your sake, men who believed so much in the Jewish State they paid the ultimate price so that you could live here in Israel, safe in your TA condo, spout your nonsense, disrespect the dead, and inflate your self-importance well beyond the limit of your insignificant, meaningless life. Get over yourself. The rest of us have.

Yes, I read your apology. Next time, remember that it is "better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."


Kotel Ad 'Misleading'. Oh Please.

The Advertising Standards Authority in Britain, was recently called to headlines for prohibiting an advertisement to visit Israel because it contained a photo of the Kotel.

It is[...] "misleading," the ASA said, for Israel to suggest that the Western Wall is as much a part of the Jewish state as the beaches of Tel Aviv, also featured in the same ad.
I don't remember who invited the opinion of the ASA on what is or isn't in Israel. Nor do I care. No do you.

I would love to see an international legal fund created to fight this type of anti-Semitism. The current buzz term for it is "lawfare." This type of discriminatory behavior is precisely what needs to be addressed on a case by case basis. By going after these cretins and demanding that they pay for their slanderous, insulting behavior time and time again until they learn not.to.fuck.with.the.Jews.

Source: The Huffington Post (I know, right?)

Clinton congratulates Israel on Independence day

Our nation will not waver in protecting Israel's security and promoting Israel's future.
Yeah? Well thankfully there's a Congress to make sure of it, because we sure as hell don't trust you.

At least it wasn't a 45-minutes harangue.

Source: Politico

Israel will defend itself vow leaders on Memorial Day

I was never a big Peres fan, but in truth, he has been an exemplary statesman as President of Israel, as witnessed through his speeches and his actions, especially when he traded verbal blows with Erogan.

"We are a democratic country, with many divisions and chasms, internal disagreements and wrangling, yet we are also a nation that knows how to stand united and put aside the bickering in times of need, to defend itself and inflict a resounding defeat on those who wish to destroy us."

Would that all of our politicians spoke like this all the time.

Source: Haaretz

18 April, 2010

Israel population nears 7.6 million

Besides all the snarkiness, the overall news in the article is positive:
Of the 7,587,000 population, 5,726,000, or 75.5 percent, are Jews and 1,548,000, or 20.4 percent, are Arabs, according to the Central Bureau of Statistics.

The population has grown by 137,000 people in the past year, a 1.8 percent increase.
So much for all the doomsayers who have warned us for decades that the Arabs will one day outnumber us.


Netanyahu: Israel Must Rely Only on Itself

On the eve of Israel's 62nd Independence Day, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the nation must not rely on the help of foreigners. He was quoting from the founder of modern Zionism, Theodor Herzl.

Mr. Netanyahu told the Cabinet that according to Herzl, Israel can rely only on itself.

Well, better late than never.

The truth is, Israel doesn't have to rely on itself. It has to rely on God. But this is the first step to realizing that.


14 April, 2010

Yom HaShoah

This is the reason, despite all the politics, all the bitter divisiveness that we fling at each other all year long, we continue to be God's Chosen People:

It is eight million Jews (minus a few assholes who continue their baseless hatred of fellow Jews) stopping to remember the seven million (more accurate) true martyrs whose sacrifice made the State of Israel possible.