13 February, 2008

Sderot Not Part of the "Occupation"

I'm not going to deal with the issue of "occupation" at this time. We'll get to that in due time.

Sderot was originally an immigrant absorption camp, established in 1951. While I realize that most leftist morons don't recognize the linear nature of time, 1951 preceded the 1967 reclamation of Israeli territory by some 16 years.

Sderot has always been within the contiguous, internationally-recognized borders of the State of Israel. Before it there was nothing; no ancient Arab ruins, orange groves or any of that crap.

The constant attacks on Sderot have nothing to do with the Geneva Convention. That is for countries who are in dispute with each other. Technically what is happening is that a non-indigenous, subversive element in Israel is launching rockets from the Gaza region in Israel (which the government of the State of Israel has turned over administrative responsibility to the Arabs) into an area of Israel that is under the administrative responsibility of the government of the State of Israel. It is therefore an internal security matter.

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