20 April, 2010

A Fool Must Now and Then Be Right, By Chance

Once a year the Guardian will get it right regarding Israel. Yom HaAtzmaut is probably the best day for that, or it's the one act of penance that permits them their abuses the rest of the year. Whichever it is, Ron Prosor delivers all the missing gaps in the Guardian's perennial revisionist history of Israel. At least now I can refer back to their own published article when their creative writing goes conflict with, you know, reality.
Jews have been indigenous to Israel for 3,000 years. Before 1948 the only independent sovereign state there had been the ancient Jewish kingdoms. Centuries of foreign imperial occupation followed, by Romans, the Muslim conquest, Crusaders, the Ottoman empire and the British mandate. It is fitting that as the colonial era drew to a close, Israel's original inhabitants restored their independence.
Needless to say, the trolls in the comments are flourishing like strep in a petri dish. With about as much intelligence.

Happy Birthday, Eretz Yisrael. From your friends at the Guardian.

Source: The Guardian

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