25 April, 2010

Palestinians ask Obama to impose peace

Sure? What can it hurt? If there's peace, they get their state. If there's no peace, "Hey, it's not our fault! The US made us do it!"
Palestinian officials have said privately that they believe only strong U.S. intervention can break the impasse with Israel. Still, Abbas' blunt public appeal Saturday was unusual.
How about not refusing every offer put on the table?
The U.S. has tried in vain to restart Israeli-Palestinian negotiations that broke down in December 2008. The two sides remain far apart on the framework for such talks, and White House envoy George Mitchell returned to the region Friday to try to narrow the divide.
And likely has every expectation to leave empty-handed.
He [Abbas] said the Palestinians were being asked to "take a state with provisional borders on 40 or 50 percent, and after that we will see."
Now, I'm no math whiz, but 40% or 50% is more than 0%, right? Temporary recognized international borders is better than being locked in Gaza, right? Right?

What Netanyahu needs to do is to very publicly name the date, time and place, and on that date, time and in place, show up in front of the whole world, alone. Stage it as a huge spectacle so that the plebeians can see once and for all who is and who isn't interested in peace. And if they show up? Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

And the US has to sit this out. Keep working on that 10% unemployment rate..

Source: Daily Record

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